Monday, August 13, 2007

Monday, August 13

The strike continues. Dh is driving me crazy! When he is home he isn't doing anything. He has a list of things that he needs to get done but yet he'd rather be watching tv or sleeping, etc. UUGGHHH!!! It's been over a week now that he hasn't been working and I'm ready for him to go back to work. The union will be meeting with DR officials on Wednesday, but who knows if they will actually negotiate or just set a time to negotiate. Supposedly they have had 2 seperate incidences where the ambulance had to go to DR and from what someone said the scabs are doing a lot of cleaning the floor. The machines may not work when the guys return but hey the floor will be sooo clean you can eat off them. lol.
Just trying to get things cleaned and organized for Kiersten's first birthday party on Sunday. Hard to believe she is almost a year old! It's going so quick. wow.
Today's To-Do List:
1. Go mail book
2. Wash dishes
3. Clean counters / stove / table
4. Sweep and mop kitchen
5. Organize kitchen closet
6. Sweep and mop bathroom
7. go get eggs and bread

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