I joined this wonderful group of women who are trying to lose weight. I think it will be a good thing to have people to help motivate me to lose this baby weight. You can check the group out here: Club HASAY
1. What motivates you and why do you want to do this challenge? I'm fat! Ok. I'm sure you already figured that. LOL. When I got pregnant with my daughter in November of 2005 I had about 20 or so extra pounds on my body. I should weigh around 135-140 and I was getting up there a little
e over 160. So, when I had her I weighed in around 200 pounds. After that I went down to 180. When my daughter was 6 months we got pregnant again with our son who was born in November of 2007. By the time he was born I was 214 pounds. At my 3 week checkup I was already down to 191 but I started inching back up. As of today I am 202.5 pounds and I HATE IT!!!I have 3 pairs of jeans and they are starting to rip in the seams (again because I'm fat) but I do not want to buy any more.
2. What is your long term goal? My long term goal is to be back at a healthy weight. I'd love to be able to buy any shirt I wanted to and not have to think how the shirt will hang over my hips. Ultimately my goal is to be below 150 pounds and back in a size 8-10 in pants and medium shirts (though I can wear medium shirts they don't always look right - my hips and thighs and stomach are what is gaining the weight. The top half of me doesn't look all that bad, although I could use some toning.
3. What is your short term goal? My short term goal is to lose 20 pounds and I would like to do that within the next 6 months. If I do this I could get back into some of my size 12 jeans!! YEAH!!
4. What tools are available to you? Treadmill, double stroller, Hip Hop Abs videos, another video series of which I cannot recall the name, several Denise Austin videos where she's so bright and cheery that I want to strangle her, a bowflex (though I really don't know how to use it), some free weights, one of those seats that you sit on and work your abs, and a sit-up bench. I have a lot of tools, I just lack the motivation and time.
5. How often can you exercise? There is really no reason why I should not be able to exercise every stinking day! lol. But be realistic. With my class schedule the way it is now (at least for 2 more weeks until classes end) there is no reason why I cannot exercise at least 3 days a week for 30 minutes. I will probably get on the treadmill, but really any exercise will help me.
Also, I am going to try to find ways to squeeze a little exercise in here and there. For instance, tonight while my daughter was in the tub, I cleaned the sink and toilet as usual, and then I did some squats and knee lifts.
6. What do you plan on doing? Exercise is my biggest problem. With my classes, family, daily life (oh and we're in the process of getting loan to build a house) I seem to be pretty busy. But I think this darn compute
r takes up a lot of my time (if you want proof, go look at the dishes that have been there for 2 days! GASP!) I plan on setting the timer on my cell phone so that I do not spend too much time one here. I do take computer classes, so that I cannot help how much time I need to spend on her for those. But I can for everything else. Here's the breakdown:
- 30 minutes reading emails and doing Entrecard
- 60 minutes writing for blogs and AC
- 30 minutes for reading blogs and commenting, and miscellaneous
In the food department, I will watch my portions. I think that is all I can really do, because I know that if I deprive myself I will only want something more (especially if that something is chocolate). I will then precede to eat the WHOLE batch of no-bake cookies that I will be seduced into making.
7. What has worked for you in the past? haha. I would not suggest doing what worked for me before. I was 170 pounds and went down to 138. I looked good. But I also cheated and took ephedrine. Dang that stuff was great. There is also significant risk in taking them and I know that now.
I will update my blog often with how I am doing with exercising and, of course, my weigh-ins on Mondays. UGGGHHH.